Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Final Eleven Plus Result

In olden days wax was used to seal a document. The phrase `seal of approval’ may well have been derived from these words.

Suppose children had to seal their work before submitting it to their teacher. We hope before they sealed the work they had:

Read over key points
Looked for `little’ mistakes
Completed or even guessed at any missed answers.

Each child would need to be issued with his or her own seal. The children would be able to design a seal using a drawing package on their PC or even having their pen and paper sketch scanned.

Naturally the children would need to get used to open flames and hot wax. The simple act of making hot wax could be more terrifying to some parents than the actual eleven plus examination. I suppose some parents would want to go on fire awareness courses. I bet, however, that the children would really enjoy themselves. But think of the benefits:

Children would need to think before they acted.

Children would need to think about others.

Children would need to take full responsibility for their actions.

Children would need to check and recheck.

Children would need to plan ahead.

I am sure there must be moments when parents must wish that their children would adopt at least three items from this rather abbreviated list.

Children, however, would probably argue that what they really would like from their parents is lots of approval.

Parents, however, would just wish for an eleven plus result: “Signed, sealed and delivered’.


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