Friday, September 21, 2007

Lap Tops and the Eleven Plus

One of the worst parts of the whole eleven plus experience is the dreaded wait for results. The family as whole waits because the family does not know if they are going to have to move house to live closer to the school. Mums and dads wait because they simply want the best possible education for children. Grandparents wait because they know anyway that they have the most intelligent grand children in the whole world.

We could speed up the whole eleven plus process if every child did their test on a lap top – and the results could then be sent back to the Central Processing Unit (CPU) for marking, grading and normalisation.

If the tests are to be taken on lap tops then the children have to practice on laptops. (This is all to do with familiarity with the key board.)

Every parent is therefore ADVISED to buy a lap top for their child. So parents have to start looking at lap tops. I suppose a family can consider buying a lap top for less than four hundred pounds. (The sub £399 LAPTOP.) But most families will no doubt be looking at the sub £699 LAPTOP. Why? It costs more and does more. You get what you pay for.

You need to buy a lap top with a sound design. The screen has to be strong enough to be able to deliver good viewing with clear brightness, evenness of tone (whatever than means) and no dead pixels.

Battery life is also important – it is no good using a lap top where the battery collapses after thirty minutes.

If your child will only use the lap top for school work then you do not need to spend money on `gaming capability’. (These buzz words just fly off the tongue!)

After all what you really want is a basic machine that is built to handle standard tasks. Naturally your child will grow out of the machine one day – but they are as likely to grow out of the two thousand pound machine as well.


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