Thursday, October 26, 2006

11+ Excuses

As your most loved child approaches the 11+ examinations you must look forward to crossing excuses off your list:

Words You Really Do Not Want to Hear
After school, or a lessons, please award yourself five points if you hear:
`The teacher gave us the homework but did not explain it.’
This allows you to get rid of your frustration in one early swoop of anger. You can transfer all your negative thoughts and this will really make you feel better.

Your Teachers/Tutors and Excuses
Naturally your child’s teacher will be waiting with bated breath for the one excuse that is always trotted out in any conversation about a child: `I only want the best for him/her’.

Many teachers must really mourn the passing of home visits by doctors. At the beginning of every school year the staff of many schools have a sweep stake on who will be offered:

`Please excuse little David for not being at school yesterday. His father is away and I could not get him ready because I was in bed with the doctor.’

Excuses your Child does not want to hear:
Your child must admire the artistry of one of your `killer phrases’:
`I don’t mind you going ………… as soon as you have done your homework.’
The next really popular, and possible overworked, phrase must be:
`I’ll have to discuss it with your father/mother first.’

Excuses and the 11+

“Please can you set some homework for my son. He will not do any work for me?”

Sit down with your son. Discuss the amount of work you think is appropriate. Work out a time for study that all concerned agree is convenient. Write down a list of all the exceuses you have heard about doing any extra work. Make sure you have a list of at least seven - to cover every day of the week. Draw up a weekly calendar and write the excuse above the work to be studied.

You now have:
You promised me that …..
Verbal Reasoning

I don’t feel very well…..
Non Verbal Reasoning

I have too much homework - and any way you said …….

Good Luck!


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