Wednesday, October 25, 2006

11 Plus Clothes

There are three basic colours: Red, Yellow and Blue. All other colours emanate from these colours. We learnt, for example, in early lessons at school that Yellow and Blue make Green.

There are the warm colours - Red and Orange along with some Purples and Yellows.

The cool colours are the Greens and the Blues - as well as the remaining Purples and Yellows.

We know that if we add Black to any colour we darken the colour - but when we add white we lighten the colour. We have heard endlessly on the Television, and in the newspapers, that Grey is the colour for clothes for 2006. Grey is made by mixing Black and White so, depending on the shade of Grey, we can lighten or darken the colour.

Use warm colours to make a room warmer
Use dark colours to make a room smaller
Use cool colours to make a room cooler
Use light colours to make a room larger.

We know that to make the colour black we need cyan, magenta and yellow in equal intensity.

Please make sure on the mornings of the 11+ examinations that while you can wear any combination of cyan, magenta and yellow you need to avoid black.

Wear warm colours (because they are more vibrant) if you want your child to feel excited.

Wear cool colours if you want your child to look and behave in a cool and dignified manner on the morning of the examination. This is because the colours are more muted.

Keep off the contrasts of the very dark or the very light. You child may be feeling very sensitive. So, as you look over your clothes on the morning of the examination, spare a thought for your child. Do you really think that Grey is the colour for an examination morning?

Naturally if you do not have the right colours you will NEED to go and spend money on assembling the right ensemble. What a price parents have to pay!


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