Friday, April 16, 2010

An Eleven Plus Metaphor

The end of the Easter Break is drawing nigh. Thoughts turn to school. Some children may even need some new clothes. Your thoughts turn to what might have been accomplished. You say to yourself that you did your best under difficult circumstances. Suddenly you revive yourself thinking about contradictory proverbs.

You remember the time the family tried to solve that eleven plus problem and Auntie Edna, who was sure she was right, muttered: “Too many cooks spoil the broth.”

You may also recall that her husband, Uncle Bill, consoled us with: “Two heads are better than one.”

Auntie Edna then demanded: “Out please. You are not helping. Out of sight out of mind.”

You then started thinking that perhaps contradictory proverbs are a metaphor for the eleven plus.

“When children stand quiet, they have done no wrong.” (This follows the command to go to the bedroom and begin on a paper – or else!)

“Practice makes perfect.”

“The fairer the paper, the fouler the blot.”

And finally:

“Zeal is fit only for wise men, but found mostly in fools.”

Of course there is no proof for these statements – but it is possible that one or more of them may apply over the eleven plus year. The rider is that there is a limit to the forgiveness of parents. However wise, tolerant, loving, supportive, experienced and intelligent parents are, there could come a moment WHEN it all comes together. A parent may simply feel like stepping aside. This then is the wrong moment to take solace in a tasty little glass or two of `you know what’. Remember:

“What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.”


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