Sunday, January 31, 2010

Eleven Plus Luck

Lucky eleven plus children! Some parents may find it difficult to offer help and advice to their children - who have the skills to be able to cope effectively with a rapidly changing world. New technology has had a profound impact on accepted modes of eleven plus preparation.

The revolution in communication, with the impact of the internet, has shown a spectacular increase in methods of interaction. It does seem as if the eleven plus examination bodies are not able to cope with the change. Few children, for example, will have approached the eleven plus without having taken at least one on line eleven plus test.

Naturally many parents will embrace new technology at a faster pace than their children. Communication with a family is, however, changing. At one time the family sat around the table for the Sunday roast. The pace of the day would have been determined by a desire to embrace the whole family in a key event.

Today conversations on a Sunday can be around a table but some form of social networking can embellish and add to the day. Add an email, throw in a tweet, mix a little MSN and see the missing members of the family on face book. The family can still sit around the table – but the conversation can start well before the meal and continue strongly afterwards.

In just the same way today’s eleven plus children do not need to rely on traditional methods of preparation. Lucky children!


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