Thursday, December 03, 2009

When should we start Eleven Plus work?

We are often asked the question: "When should we start on Eleven Plus work?"

The answer is that you have already started by simply asking the question.

Certainly you began working from elements of an pre eleven plus course before your child was six years old. You worked on vocabulary, spatial awareness, counting reasoning - almost all the skills associated with eleven plus work.

You know too that your child needs to be above average in ability - and it is likely that your child is bright - other wise you would have asked the question. A fascinating piece of research showed the ability levels of a group of
six year olds
in Hong Kong. It would be very interesting to have a similar piece of research, using the same tools, that compared ability as measured at six years old and final marks in eleven plus tests.

We have no way of verifying the Hong Kong research - and we do know that we all have the feeling that statistics can lie.

There has, however, been a general feeling for years that extra work before an examination can benefit marks. Coaching on some types of intelligence questions can help to raise an I.Q. Help with the technique of answering some kinds of eleven plus question can give a child confidence in the examination.

Ask your six year old the questions:

Do we need land?

Why does the human body need energy?

Ask the same questions of your eleven plus candidate.

Parents are not observers in the eleven plus competition - they are participants. Parents will want their child to have a simulating pre eleven plus journey. The eleven plus is far more than eleven plus papers, books, tutors and extra tuition. The eleven plus is a journey with partners. Take heart - you have started!


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