Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Eleven Plus Verses

Many years ago you may have read this little poem to your child. You would have enjoyed the closeness and the sentiments – and no doubt revelled in the questions and comments that followed. (Why Mum, does the night have a thousand eyes?)

The Night Has a Thousand Eyes

The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun.

The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies
When love is done.


Your eleven plus child’s comprehension of the passage will have altered dramatically. It is likely that he or she will now understand the concepts and the implications of the words.

Today’s eleven plus task is to add a verses this well known poem.

The Night Has a Thousand Eyes (Through the Eyes of the Eleven Plus Family.)

The test has a thousand eyes
And the result’s but one.
Yet the light of opportunity dies
When the Eleven Plus is lost and won.

This was a bit downbeat so what about a verse that is a bit more positive?

The eleven plus has a thousand eyes
And the questions are sung
Yet the dream of fortune always flies

I wasn’t quite sure of how to end the verse because the words: ‘When we give the examiner a .............’ keep springing to mind.


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