Sunday, August 09, 2009

A Fairer Eleven Plus Test.

It is likely that some of us will remember the old CSE examinations. In some examinations children were asked to answer five questions out of ten. This gives a large number of combinations of correct answers! There will also be a large number of questions that are not selected.

Let us imagine that the Eleven Plus authorities want to try a different form of examination. The first part of the paper (Section A.) could be made up of reasonably traditional questions – requiring straight forward answers. The second part of the paper (Section B) would then be made up of ten questions – where the children had to answer any five.

The total time the children spend on the paper does not need to be any longer.

So which questions would children avoid?

A large number would avoid anything to do with percentages.

Other children would do anything to be able to leave out a question on codes.

Would having the ability to choose questions lead to a fairer test eleven plus test? Some bright and well prepared children may enjoy the challenge.


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