Friday, July 10, 2009

Hard Eleven Plus Problems

One of the classical grand systems in psychology is called the `Gestalt Theory’. A strong element of this system is that the brain gathers information and then assembles it in a form that can be used.

Some kinds of traditional eleven plus training books seem to take the view that there are a number of key types of question that will occur in the eleven plus examination. The presentation of the eleven plus exercises is therefore often in a logical order – and many eleven plus books seem to follow a remarkably similar order.

The supposition is that if your child learns, and practises, a number of key eleven plus types then your child will be able to apply this practice in the actual examination. Parents work on the premise that if their child goes over the different types of question again and again then bit by bit their child will gain examination ready confidence.

The Gestalt theory (as seen in eleven plus eyes) seems to lean towards the idea that the brain is able to vacuum up a whole collection of seemingly random types of eleven plus question and then classify and organise the information into usable chunks. Then when your child is solving a problem the brain tries to assemble variables and then deal with them in a structured and organised manner.

Nevertheless your child will not be able to dig into a paint pot of colours and ideas and solve a hard eleven plus problem unless he or she has been exposed to some sort of system. Parents can make an important and lasting contribution to their child’s eleven plus education if they occasionally expose their children to difficult and intriguing problems.


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