Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Challenge to the Present Eleven Plus

There seems to be very little that is being written about the Eleven Plus by the authors of eleven plus materials, or tutors or the parents that can be subject to `astringent intellectual scrutiny’.

Publishers do not appear to be calling for eleven plus change.

Eleven plus tutors do not seem to demand change.

The authors of the actual eleven plus tests do not seem to be searching for change.

There have, however, been extraordinary changes in the world over the past fifty years. Why has no new form of examination emerged to challenge existing procedures?

Suppose there was a `Royal Commission’ or a white paper that examined two elements of the present eleven plus.

The first must be to establish exactly what the aims of the eleven plus are – and what kind of curriculum is needed.

The second part of the eleven plus discussion must cover the procedures of learning and teaching that are appropriate.

Sadly it is only the parents who have found themselves in an `appeal situation’ that are offered the opportunity of being able to argue a case for `astringent intellectual scrutiny’. Why can't other parents be offered part of a platform of eleven plus change?


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