Monday, April 13, 2009

Eleven Plus Leisure

There are some parents who like to think that their child needs to maintain a relentless drive towards the eleven plus. They encourage their child to do some daily work towards the eleven plus – but want their child to use the time working through paper after paper. Working through papers is an important part of eleven plus preparation – but it is not the only activity to take into account.

Some where in the mix of reading, learning definitions, going to school and attending various after school activities some parents may care to consider the place of leisure time. Almost every one will have a different view of leisure. To some families leisure is a family picnic on a weekend, to others walking the dog is a key component in family life. Other families will look upon a regular visit to the cinema and of course there is sport.

In an ideal world a child studying towards an academic education needs to be offered a full range of athletic, dramatic, artistic and other activities. The child, and the circumstances of the family, will determine the take up. (Apart from walking the dog round the block, almost everything else takes money!)

When the child reaches grammar school he or she will expect a full range of facilities from playing fields to sports halls and music rooms to art studios. These are all the range of activities which the grammar school child will expect to benefit from.

To be able to enjoy leisure pre eleven plus children need leisure time. This could mean fewer papers – but may lead to more directed work.

Abraham Lincoln gave us a good reason to make the most of our time.

I did keep a grocery, and I did sell cotton, candles and cigars and sometimes whiskey, but I remember in those days Mr Douglas was one of my best customers. Many a time I have stood on one side of the counter and sold whiskey to Mr Douglas on the other side, but the difference between us now is this: I have left my side of the counter, but Mr Douglas still sticks to his as tenaciously as ever.


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