Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Eleven Plus Inheritance

It takes a special kind of intelligence to be able to work out relationships.

Brothers and sisters have I none,
but this man's father is my father's son.

The answer, of course, is that `this man’ is the son.

Some types of Eleven Plus papers still contain gems like:

What relation is Mrs. Wilson to her daughter’s brother?

What relation is Uncle Jack to his father’s father?

What relation is Wendy Lomax to her father’s sister?

The answers are easy to some types of brain:

Mrs. Wilson is the mother.

Uncle Jack is the brother

Wendy is the niece.

Gegor Mendel would have been able to work out the answers to the questions very quickly.

Fist of all he was a monk – and later on he become the abbot.

Secondly he researched inheritance laws in peas. He was involved the laws of genetics. He used peas to work out a law of alternate generations.

This means that if Granddad or Grand mum are very bright it is likely that grandson or granddaughter are also going to be bright and able.

We know that children are made up of genes from mother and father – and so the genes of the grandparents are passed on too. If your child is likely to pass the Eleven Plus it is likely that either grand mum or granddad – or both – could also have passed the Eleven Plus if they had had the opportunity.

So as you turn to your parents to pay the Eleven Plus fees you could also turn to them with some of the `more complex’ Eleven Plus questions that simply require a little common sense.

After all:

Brothers and sisters have I none,
but this man's mother is my daughter.

"This Man’s mother" must be her granddaughter.


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