Thursday, August 30, 2007

Advanced Imaging Processing and the Eleven Plus

The technology that is used for advanced imaging processing might provide the software some of us need to use to be able to interpret some of the eleven plus non verbal reasoning questions.

We know that the Ministry of Defence has software that can recognise and locate specified targets such as military vehicles. So looking at a line of transformations and rotations should be an easy exercise for any self respecting imaging processing software. The process should be easy:

Step One
Photograph the Non Verbal Reasoning line with your mobile phone.
Transfer the image to the AIPS (Advanced Imaging processing Software).
Listen to the explanation and watch the events unfolding on the screen.

Step Two
Explain to all your friends, and any one else who will listen, that the eleven plus examinations are growing easier and easier each year.

But we know that uses of the software will not end there.

We understand that the software can also be used to monitor buildings and issue alerts when human activity is detected. This means that any self respecting parent can leave their child doing an eleven plus paper and rely on the software to report any misdemeanours.

In the event of any histrionics you can remind your child that automatic camera tracking was first used in the film making industry. Explain that any arguments of fights over work will be recorded for posterity.

To buy your copy of AIPS you simply need to place an order. Remember the benefits of AIPS include:

Help with Non Verbal questions.
Checking on your child
Creating photographic evidence of unwelcome behaviour.

P.S. If you do happen to find any software like this please tell me. I am sure we could work together to ……… (We live in hope, don’t we?)


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