Saturday, April 14, 2007


When we are talking about timing we have to go back in time.

Many years ago the great composers were not as preoccupied with timing as we are today. A composer would often leave the timing of a piece or passage to the performers.

A performer today still has the opportunity to interpret a passage or sing in an individual manner. Singing karaoke is a possible exception. Then the whole point of performing is to try to sing notes as close to the original as possible.

But music can not be a completely mechanical exercise. How ever hard a performer will try there will be a degree of variation.

The same must occur in an eleven plus examination. You can coach your child and you can prepare your child as best you can. You can be the best teacher in the world – and even try to hire the best possible tutors - but there will always be a degree of variation between the final rehearsal and the actual examination. For your child may hesitate over a single word on the verbal reasoning paper. You child may even meet an unexpected problem with timing.

You see children will never be mechanical in an examination. The word `tranquillo’ suggests a certain mood in music. You would not expect a piece to be played quickly or loudly or in a jerky manner. You do, however, really want your child to enter the examination feeling `tranquillo’, and confident about timing.


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