Friday, March 16, 2007

Praise and 11+ Desire

How do you deliver your child to the eleven plus examination in full working order? You will have covered and revised as many mathematics topics as possible. The whole family will have enjoyed the challenge of the verbal and non verbal reasoning papers.

You still have the problem of making sure that you maintain a balance between your desire for an academically inspired child and a happy and contented child. These two positions are not mutually exclusive.

This is how one family have tried to inspire their daughter and grand daughter to take an established interest in cooking to a higher level..

Find a superb location high in the hills. Kit the child out with all the proper equipment.

Engage the services of a five star chef. (A family friend.) Start preparing a paella.

Cook the paella with the aid of helpful advice from the rest of the family.

Enjoy the praise and bask in reflected glory.

A little wine, some tasty bread - and forget the eleven plus for a few hours.


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